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How to Excel with

Posted on September 2nd, 2016 by admin

The following article from shows the importance and indeed, power of using a blog.  In fact, the website gives great tips on how to start one, and how to make yours stand out from the ordinary.  In many ways blogging is somewhat like posting on social media, in that you need five or so […]

How to Excel with

Posted on September 2nd, 2016 by admin, No Comments »

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The following article from shows the importance and indeed, power of using a blog.  In fact, the website gives great tips on how to start one, and how to make yours stand out from the ordinary.  In many ways blogging is somewhat like posting on social media, in that you need five or so posts to get started, but the difference is social media posts often involve posting simply articles or links to websites (or other rich content like images, videos, music, etc.) and not all that much text (usually, however, there are notable exceptions).


As an example, when posting on twitter, posts can have any of the previous content, but they cannot be any longer than 140 characters.  Facebook is different; postings on that platform can be MUCH longer in terms of text length; indeed, they can be many thousands of characters, many pages even – politicians often do this.   Blogs however, standing apart from social media in a textual sense, are in class by themselves somewhat; while you can have other kinds of content like the kinds listed above, posts there should be 200-500 words, or more.  And text is usually the “meat” of the post, usually pictures, videos, or links are excellent to have, but in fact secondary to the previous.


The article goes over good tips on how to get started; like registering your own domain name, and interestingly enough the article also recommends using wordpress.  While wordpress is the most common option and standard fare when it comes to blogging, it is not the only outlet in terms of choice of platform.  Joomla and Drupal are also options when it comes to choice of blogs.  In general, it makes sense to write about and create a blog that deals with topics that you feel comfortable with, but also are very passionate about; not just in terms of writing but topics you might feel strongly about or think about a lot.  If you’re blogging as an individual, then using these sorts of topics are going to make it much it more likely that you’ll stick with it.


Blogging is a very important part of online reputation management for businesses and keeping tabs on search engine results, and it’s not as hard as you think.  Check back for the latest on Online Reputation Tracker on how to create a blogging success story…

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