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What’s the Best Choice of WordPress Theme

Posted on September 4th, 2016 by admin

Answers to Online Reputation Management questions are often very nuanced, however, this one really isn’t – so we’ll say it straight away and up front.  The best choice of wordpress theme is one that is SEO optimized, it might seem like the answer would be more complicated, but it simply is not.  That makes this […]

Huffpo – How to Build Your Online Reputation Using Social Media

Posted on September 3rd, 2016 by admin, No Comments »

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The following article lists some advice from Catriona Pollard on the Huffington Post, in this case strictly for businesses (rather than individuals) on how to manage your online reputation.  Actually, some of what’s on the list is the standard social media fare, very similar to this article here –  But what’s important and useful about this particular article, is the specific advice given; such as: “Don’t view social media as a marketing platform, imagine you are talking to someone in real life. What would you say to them?”  This is a critical point, as for some businesses, finding the proper “voice” online to appeal to customers can be essential.  It is not obvious upfront for all organizations on how exactly to communicate with users, and finding the right way to do so can often be extremely helpful.  Usually this can be done by creating several social media “test posts,” about five or so to start with, and imagine that your customers are reading them.  Then, if necessary, edit them to achieve the proper “voice” that you think will appeal to your target audience with the greatest accuracy.  This certainly can be refined overtime to achieve the desired results.


Another piece of advice worthy of note that she gives includes the following: “The content you publish must be useful and meaningful to your target audience or there is no reason for them to read or engage with it.” Indeed, this is absolutely so, but it’s actually not just your audience you would want to worry about.  Google as well, with their new “Panda” update absolutely LOVES rich content, especially sites that have a large number of meaningful and relevant blog posts in one spot, such as a blog, for example, so it’s not just customers that like relevant content, but having and doing it the right way means google will take your enterprise more seriously, and this also quickens the path to more customers.


If you have any questions about how exactly to best use the previous information or where to go from here, feel free to give HopLite a call.  They can clear up any questions you may have about –how to best connect with clients–, how to influence google results, or just how to make your internet search results look amazing.  HopLite absolutely has a very solid grasp on how to deliver –high quality Online Reputation Management Services–. But also come back and visit us here too at Online Reputation Tracker as often as you like for the best news when it comes to meeting your ORM goals.

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